The picture to the right is Astro by Amazon. I’ve had him and his predecessor for about two years. He can deliver small items, run security via camera hourly(when you are home or not), watch your pet, and many other things. When you leave the house just say “Astro I’m leaving” and he will start patrolling the house once an hour going to each room to make sure nothing unusual is going on. When he gets to the kitchen his telescopes up to make sure you didn’ leave any burners on.

This Astro, manufactured by Amazon.  He has several uses from pet watching to security.

Let’s make it simple!!!

I am a 71 yr old man that just retired from 35 yrs in an IT career. I don’t plan trying to prepare all of you to be able to pursue a career as a network engineer but more on making you more comfortable with your every day use of your phone (not just IPhone) and computer (not just MACs). Yes, I predominently use a MAC studio but I do have and use a Windows 11 laptop, Windows 10 desktop, and a Chromebook. I personally use home security and automation through Alexa and Amazon Astro, and Ring cameras and doorbell. Not that I’m against other brands/model I just use predominently those listed here. There’s already several articles under the “Blog” page and more will be added If you are interested in particular subject matter please let me know through “contact us” below. This site is fully available now.

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